It is without question that the most effective and efficient method of concealed carry is inside the waistband. IWB carry methods take some consideration and of course, training and practice. Dry-fire is your friend folks and highly recommended for he seasoned and novice self-sustaining citizen. When stuffing a pistol (and quality holster) in your pants it helps to understand the basics. Purchasing a holster always begs the question from the clerk or instructor “where do you plan on carrying it?” and followed by the multiple choice responses of strong-side, cross-draw, 4 o’clock, 5 o’clock, small-of-the-back, appendix. The lingo is almost never ending.
Imagine a clock face on he floor and you are standing in the middle of it. The front and center line of your body or your belly button would mark the 12 o’clock position, right arm at the 3, your spine at 6. Pretty simple right? Anything on or near that center line is considered appendix carry. 3-4 o’clock is considered strong-side and 5-6 is small of the back. Lefties, don’t feel bad you can use the exact same lingo just understand you are looking for a wrong-handed holster. The positions are I reference to the dominant side of your body. But we are here to talk about appendix carry because it is superior to all other positions.
Why is appendix inside the waist band (AIWB) the best? Because it is the most accessible, defensible, and concealable position. Before you start with the negativity, I understand that clothing and body type might prohibit this method for some. Quit splitting hairs. I said it was the best but sometimes the best is not an option. But while we are on the topic, if body type is what is preventing you from AIWB carry then quit making excuses and fix it. Along with being armed, you should be fit to fight and strive to better yourself. You owe it to the people you love to be capable of fighting for yourself and them by any means. But I digress. Just keep rolling with me here.
Like most people, we all lead sedentary lives where we spend most of our day on our butt. In the car to and from work, in the office chair, on the couch now imagine yourself in those ever-popular seated positions and then imagine you need to draw your firearm. Which would be easier? On your strong side where you have to lean or overcome an obstacle like a seatbelt buckle or chair’s arm before you can get a positive grip? Or with it right there in front of you a simple tug of the shirt away? If standing, what happens if you are backed into a corner or worse in a fight and end up on your back? In my opinion the small of your back is the last place you should keep a gun just based on the idea of falling on it let alone trying to gain access to your gun. I do not care how badass you think you are, if you think you will always be able to reach your gun no matter what then you are lying to yourself. But for your sake I hope you are that seal-delta-sniper-ninja team 12 you envision yourself to be. Defending or retaining your firearm is also easier with AIWB. Try if with a football by holding it under your arm. Now try wrap both arms around it and cradle it against your stomach while a friend tries to take it. Which was easier? Yeah…I thought so.
So let’s cover safety finally. After all, the biggest complaint I hear about AIWB is there’s a gun pointed at your genitals or femoral artery. Any reliable firearm has enough safeties built into it that will prevent it from discharging unless the trigger is depressed. Keep it in a quality kydex holster and you should be fine but as I mentioned you should practice, practice, practice, and then practice more all while the gun is empty. Carrying a gun in any method is done at your own risk and the risk of those around you if you are negligent so you owe it to yourself to dedicate the time to learn the right way to do things. The most dangerous times are when drawing or holstering the gun. If you don’t have to remove it from the holster, then don’t.
Cory says
Really useful information about the ins and outs of AIWB conceal carry. I’ll be sure to practice so I can better myself if the need arises..