Yeh, just like what the title states. Ok, I’ll back up, several years ago Youtuber Robert McClung and his compadres were out shooting their AR. Anyways they were shooting at what looks to be a square black box from a distance of approximately 100 yards away.
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Without reading the video description, this person running the AR was shooting at a microwave filled with Tannerite. Not sure how much was stuffed inside the microwave but after several shots at it, he finally hit it. Within seconds a piece of the microwave comes flying at 100 yds/per second at them. Hilarious!, Yes but on the safety side obviously not. Check out the video below, you can skip to the .27 seconds mark to see the action.
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On the safety side comment, its good nobody got hurt but its obvious that they needed to be camped behind a cover, even if you’re at 100 yards away. This is the reason why you shouldn’t be looking at something that explodes from no cover because some sort of debris will be flying at you. Well, that was the entertainment for today brought to you by Youtuber Robert McClung.